10th Asian Joint Confference on Propulasion and Power

Date March 4~5, 2021
Venue Virtual Conference
Oral Presentation Sessions
Rocket Propulsion IV
16:30-18:10 4(Thu) March
Session Chair - Prof. Masanori Saito (Nihon University, Japan)
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Experimental Study of Torque Around the Thrust Axis on a Rotating Detonation Engine
Satoru Sawada*, Keisuke Goto, Kazuki Ishihara, Akira Kawasaki, Ken Matsuoka, Jiro Kasahara(Nagoya University), Akiko Matsuo(Keio University), Ikkoh Funaki(Institute of Space and Astronautical Science)
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of a Typical Detonation Transfer Joint used in Launch Vehicles
Vinod R Chandran, Shete Mayuresh Kailas, Sheeju Chandran, Ruben V Lopez, Baby Abraham, Mohan M(Vikram Sarabhai Space Center), Abhilash Suryan*(College of Engineering Trivandrum)
Experimental Study on Collision and Deposition of Alumina Droplet on Solid Wall
Zhiwei Ma*, Zhijun Wei, Ying Feng, Ningfei Wang, Baolu Shi(Beijing Institute of Technology), Lijuan Liao(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
A Eulerian-Eulerian Numerical Study on the Two-phase Flow in SRM with Flight Acceleration
Qiang Li*(Northwestern Polytechnical University), Zheng Wei(Shaanxi Province Aerospace and Astronautics Propulsion Research Institute)
Effects of Reverse Injection applied in Gas-Liquid Pintle Injector
Daehwan Kim*, Suji Lee, Youngbin Yoon(Seoul National University)
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