10th Asian Joint Confference on Propulasion and Power

Date March 4~5, 2021
Venue Virtual Conference
Oral Presentation Sessions
Jet Engine/Gas Turbine II
13:00-14:00 4(Thu) March
Session Chair - Prof. Yun Wu (Air Force Engineering University, China)
Password : ajcpp2021
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The Effect of Turbulence Models on Near-stall Flow Prediction in a Transonic Fan Stage
Takuya Karatsu*, Atsushi Tateishi, Naoki Tani(IHI Corporation)
Optical Measurement of Supersonic Jet Noise using Laser and 2-D Position Sensitive Detector
Ayuki Yamamura*, Koji Okamoto, Susumu Teramoto, Masahito Akamine(The University of Tokyo)
Experimental Study of Jet Nozzle Exhaust Gas Infrared Signal by Mixing External Air
Milee Joo, Hyeonsik Jang*, Seongman Choi(Jeonbuk National University), Hana Jo(Aerospace Technology Research Institute)
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