10th Asian Joint Confference on Propulasion and Power

Date March 4~5, 2021
Venue Virtual Conference
Oral Presentation Sessions
Fuel/Combustion III
15:00-15:40 4(Thu) March
Session Chair - Prof. Xin Hui (Beihang University, China)
Password : ajcpp2021
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Experimental Study the Interaction between Shock-wave and Flame of Ethylene in Cavity-based Supersonic Combustor at Low Conditions
Pengfei Xiong*(China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center)
Effects of Dilution on the Laminar Burning Velocity of Surrogate Fuel
Kazuki Okuhigashi*, Kimihiro Arai, Masamichi Matsuura, Hidefumi Kataoka, Daisuke Segawa(Osaka Prefecture University)
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