10th Asian Joint Confference on Propulasion and Power

Date March 4~5, 2021
Venue Virtual Conference
Oral Presentation Sessions
Ramjet/SCRamjet Propulsion I
13:00-14:40 4(Thu) March
Session Chair - Dr. Inyoung Yang (KARI, Korea)
Password : ajcpp2021
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Simulation of Roughness Element Induced Mach 6 Boundary Layer Transition usingγ-Reθ Transition Model based on IDDES Method
Miaorong Yi*, Huiyong Zhao, Jialing Le(China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center)
Study of Flow Control of Inward Turning Hypersonic Inlet
Weixing Wang*, T Zhu, Yc Li(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Supersonic Air Intake with an Angle of Attack for High-Mach Integrated Control Experiment (HIMICO)
Manami Fujii*, Shogo Ogura, Masakazu Sano, Tetsuya Sato(Waseda University), Junichi Oki, Hideyuki Taguchi, Takayuki Kojima, Atsushi Hashimoto, Takashi Takahashi(JAXA)
Effect of the Inflow Angle on the Performance of the Supersonic Air Intake with Side Clearance for High Mach Integrated Control Experiment (HIMICO)
Shogo Ogura*, Manami Fujii, Yuki Fujimori, Yusuke Hoshiya, Tetsuya Sato(Waseda University), Hideyuki Taguchi, Takayuki Kojima, Junichi Oki(Waseda University)
Numerical Investigation of Three-dimensional Scramjet Inlet Flowfield at Mach 5
Yoonsik Park*, Bok Jik Lee(Seoul National University), Yang Ji Lee(Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
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